Teen Actor/Model Headshot Session |Tips for a successful headshot Session| Headshot Photographer in Massachusetts

We love getting to work with young professionals with big dreams! This was Celine’s 3rd session with us and what an absolute joy she is to photograph. We hadn’t seen her in a few years and it was really nice getting to work with her as a teenager.

Can you even believe her amazing hair! What a vibe!

This session was our first session back outside since the weather warmed up and boy did we take advantage! It was a PERFECT night! The Winchester Public Library is such a beautiful spot for portraits. Cece is such a natural model and we had so much fun!

Young actors/models change so much. It really is important to keep updating those headshots so they reflect your current look. We have no doubt these images will get Cece some amazing new gigs!

Here are some tips for a successful headshot session:

  1. Keep the clothing simple. Avoid bright colors, busy patterns and anything that will take over the images. You want the images to be timeless and about the person, not the outfits.

  2. Show some personality and different expressions. Smiles are great, but show other emotions too!

  3. Make sure your clothing fits the surroundings. Wearing a suit in a downtown or office setting makes sense, but wearing a suit in a cornfield, not so much.

  4. Find out all the requirements before the session. If you are taking photos for a specific submission, find out exactly what they are looking for and what they don’t want to see, before shooting. You can’t always “fix it in photoshop” after and you don’t want to waste time and money on unusable images. A lot of work goes into these sessions, let’s work together to get it right!

We are currently booking summer and fall sessions. Limited summer dates available, reach out soon to secure your session date.